Dizzy's Club Coca Cola in New York City


Jazz at Lincoln Center Doho - Qatar

Jazz Alley in Seattle, WA


Blue Note Jazz Club - Tokyo, Japan


Dazzle Restaurant & Lounge in Denver, CO


Ronnie Scott's in London



« Comprehensive List of Jazz on Twitter (Letters F, G, H, I) | Main | List of Jazz on Twitter (Letter C) »

List of Jazz on Twitter (Letters D, E)

The "Unofficial" Comprehensive List of All Things (People & Places, Too!) Jazz on Twitter [Letters D,E] continues!

A few things to keep in mind: 

  • The list is alphabetical from the first name of the person or first word in the name of the organization/event/venue.
  • The links are red. Just click on the link and it will take you to that particular Twitter page.
  • Even if they are listed, that doesn't necessarily mean that the account is currently active.

 Please let me know about who or what wasn't included. Thank you!



 Da'ud X Mohammed | the_dragonwyck | 1940s thru 1960s

The Daily Bublé | TheDailyBuble |Bubléland 

Daisuke Yoshioka 吉岡大輔 | drummerdaikichi | Japan

Dakota jazz club | DakotaJazzClub | Minneapolis MN, US

Dale Head Vocalist |  

Damian Erskine |  | Portland OR, US 

Damien Lamar | damienlamar | Jacksonville FL, US

Dan and Laura Curtis |  | UK 

Dan Cray | dancrayjazz | New York via Chicago IL, US

Dan Loomis | doomisbass | NYC

Dan Melnick | soundslope  | Chicago IL, US

Dan Whitley | DanWhitley

Dana Larson |  | Milwaukee WI, US 

Dana Wigle | dwigle

Dana&4tet |  | France

The Dangling Success | DanglingSuccess | NYC

Daniel D. |  | Charleston SC, US

Daniel Feinberg |  | Denver CO, US 

Daniel  J. Rauscher | danieljrauscher | Indianapolis IN, US

Daniel Rosenboom | dnlrsnbm | Los Angeles CA, US

Daniel Roure |  | France & US 

Daniel Szabo |  | Los Angeles CA, US  

Daniel Terence Harper |  | Atlanta GA, US

Daniel Zamir |  

Daniela Cardarello |  

Daniela Clynes | DanielaClynes | London, UK 

Danielle Vita | Danielle_Vita

Danilo Navos |  | Toronto ON, CA

Danny Caron | mello_dOakland CA, US

Danny Harrington | saxdan | Massachusetts, US

Danny Kolke | dkolke

Danny Medeiros Jazz |  

Danny Rivera | nycjazzbarisax | NYC

Darcy James Argue | darcyjamesargue | Brooklyn NY, US

Daren |  | Australia 

Daren Burns | urbannerds  | Sherman Oaks CA, US

DARIA! |  

Darin Wilson | darinwilson |Oaktown CA, US

Darrah |  | Central FL, US

Darrian Douglas | DarrianDouglas

Darryl Reeves |  | Atlanta GA, US 

Darryl Yokley |  | Brooklyn NY, US 

Daryl Johnson | daryljazz |NYC

Daryll Dobson |  | Boca Raton FL, US 

Dave Anderson | dander | Seattle WA, US

Dave Davis | southcoastjazz | Lewes, ?

Dave Douglas |dave_douglas | NYC

Dave Frank |  | New York, US 

Dave Grusin | davegrusinjazz

Dave Hamblett |  | London, UK 

Dave Hoffman | musician412 | Seaside CA, US

Dave Holland | TheDaveHolland  | Hudson Valley NY, US

Dave James | DaveJamesBand | San Francisco CA, US

Dave Jones |  | North Devon, UK 

Dave Kane |  

Dave Kardas | DaveKardasBand | Connecticut, US

Dave Kobrehel | davejazz | Everywhere in the World

Dave Koz | justkoz | Beverly Hills CA, US

Dave Stapleton |  

Dave Weckl | davewecklmusic | Los Angeles CA, US

David Adler | adlermusic | New York, US

David Arnett |  | Ohio, US 

David Beckett |  | Burlington VT, US

David Benoit |   

David Binney |  | NYC 

David Brent Johnson | nightlights | Bloomington IN, US

David Cazares | dpcazares | St. Paul MN, US

David Coxshall |  | Suffolk ~ Essex, UK 

David Ewart |  | Australia

David Harewood |  | NYC

David Irwin | CornoDiBassetto | St. Petersburg FL, US

David Marriott, Jr. | RedRaspus | Seattle WA, US

David Mehlsen | DavidM_Sax  | Odder, Århus, DK

David Miner | daveminer87  | Seattle WA, US

David Mount | davidmount | Southern CA, US

David Murray |  | Paris, FR

David Ryshpan | ryshpanmusic  | Montreal QC, CA

David Sanborn |  | NYC

David Taylor | Jazzguide

David Thomas | jazzmaddave | Bournemouth, UK

David Tull |  | Los Angeles CA, US 

David Ullmann |  

David C. Ward | davidtonic22 | Calgary AB, CA

David Weiss | DavidWeissMusic | NYC

David White | davidwhitejazz |NYC

Dawn DeBlaze | JazzNews | St. Louis, MO & NYC

Dawn Warren Evans |  | US

Daysahead | Daysahead | Atlanta GA, US

Dazzle Jazz Club |DazzleJazz | Denver CO, US

DC DowDell | DCDowDell  | San Diego CA, US

DC Jazz Festival | dcjazzfest  | Washington, DC

DCJazzShows | DCJazzShows | Washington, DC

DCubaJazz |  | Cuba

D.D. Jackson | ddjack

Dean Barker | deanzilla  | Phoenix AZ, US

Dean Christesen | deanchristesen | Richmond VA, US

Dean Minderman | StLJazzNotes | St. Louis MO, US

Dean St.Hillaire | deansthillaire | Hilton Head Island SC, US

Debbie Dente |  | Santa Barbara CA, US 

Deborah E | deborahinfo |Los Angeles CA, US

Deborah Shane | OCJazzSinger | Orange County CA, US

Deborah Stegman | CoolCuppaJazz | San Francisco CA, US

DebraCBurton | DebraCBurton

Decca Records | DeccaRecords | NYC

Dedalus Jazz | dedalusjazz

Dedy F Moningka |  | Medan, ID

Dee Alexander |  | Global

Dee Brown |

Dee Byrne |  | London, UK 

Dee Daniels |  | New York, US 

Dee Dee Bridgewater | ddbprods

deep Blue Organ Trio |  | Chicago IL, US 

Deep Jazz |  | Munich, DE

Delahaye Productions | delahayeprod

Delfeayo Marsalis | Delfeayo  | New Orleans LA, US

Delvont Jones |  | California, US 

Dena Blue | IamDenaBlue  | Houston TX, US

Dena DeRose | denaderose  | Graz, AT & world travel

Denise Donatelli | DeniseDonatelli  | Los Angeles CA, US

Dennis Angel | dennisangelband | Westchester County NY, US

Dennis W Mellen |  | Las Vegas NV, US 

Denton Jazz Festival | dentonjazzfest  | Denton TX, US

Denys Baptiste | DenysBaptiste | London, UK

Deon Yates |  | Detroit MI, US 

Derby Jazz | derbyjazz | Derby, UK

Derek ansell |  | Berkshire, UK 

Derrick Gardner | dgardnr | NYC

Derrick Hodge |  | Los Angeles CA, US 

Desert Winds Jazz | desertwindsjazz | Phoenix AZ, US

Destination Jazz |  

Destination: Out | destinationout | New York & North Carolina, US

Destiny Muhammad | soundsculptress | New World

Detroit Jazz Fest |detroitjazzfest

Detroit Live | DetroitLive | Detroit MI, US

Devin Gray | devingraymusic | Brooklyn NY, US

Devin Hurd | HurdAudio | San Rafael CA, US 

Devin Tracy | DevinTRacy | Jacksonville FL, US

DevJazzFestival |  | Schouwburg, NL 

Dexter Gordon Legacy |  | NYC

Diaa Bekheet |  | Washington, DC

Diana Krall | DianaKrall | NYC

Diane Marino |  | US

Diane White |  | Japan

Dianne Reeves | DianneReeves1

DiarioJazz |  | Italy

Diaspora |  | Southampton, UK 

Dick Carr |  | Manlius NY, US

Dick Felix |  | Toronto ON, CA

Dick Holton |  | Edinburgh Scotland, UK & Paris FR

Didier Bourgois | Clifford22fr | France

Didier Lockwood | didierlockwood

Dieter Winterle | dieterwinterle | Brooklyn NY, US

Dijazz Radio | dijazzradio | Tijuana, MX

Dimitri Nirman | dimitrinirman | Paris, FR

Dimitri Vassilakis | Dimi_Trees | Athens, GR

Dino Baraldi |

Dionysus Trio |  | Scotland

DiscoveryShowUK | DiscoveryShowUK | Boisdale, UK

Distritojazz |  | San Sebastián, ES

Dixie Ticklers |  | UK

DixielandJazzSociety |  | United Kingdom 

Dizzy Jazz Café | dizzyjazzcafe | Rotterdam, NL 

D.J. Sweeney | djjazziedeb | Kansas City, US

DJ A-Train | uptownjazznet  | Greensboro NC, US

DJ Ausar |  | Atlanta GA, US 

DJ MJM | Thenightowlshow | London, UK

Django's Tiger |  | Cambridge, UK 

DJAZZ.tv |  | Netherlands

DJAZZ.tv France |  | France

DLP Music Program | DLP_DSM | Carrollton TX, US

D.MIlls Jazz |  | NYC

Dmitri Matheny |  | US

Dmitriy Samoylenko |  | Kharkov, UA 

Doc Robinson | docsjazzbeat | Atlanta GA, US

Dodicilune Records |  | Lecce, IT 

Dolomiti Ski Jazz |

Dom Minasi |  | NYC 

Dom Thompson | Footnotejazz | Gloucestershire, UK

Domenico Mamone | DomenicoMamone | Milan, IT

Dominic Fallacaro |  | Brooklyn NY, US 

Dominick Farinacci | Dominick83 | NYC

Dominique LEBLANC |  | France 

Don Grusin | dongrusin | Colorado, US

Don Lucoff |  | US

Don Mopsick | DonMopsick | Cape Coral FL, US

Don Rollins | DJMystro601 | Jackson MS, US

Don the Black Puma | theblkpuma | The Universe

Donald |  | Carrborro NC, US 

Donald Fagen | DonaldFagen

Donald Harrison |

Donna Greenberg | DonnaGreenberg |Toronto ON, CA

Donna M | ElementsofJazz | Pacific NW, US

Donna Whittington |  | Denver CO, US

Donny McCaslin |  | Brooklyn NY, US 

Donvonte McCoy |  | Washington DC

Dony Koeswinarno | DonySaxSex | Jakarta, ID

Dot Time Records |  | New York, US 

dothan Jazz |  | Dothan AL, US

Doublers Collective |  | US

Doug Beavers | dougbeavers

Doug Martin | dougmartingtr | San Francisco CA, US

Douglas Beach House | DouglasHouse | Half Moon Bay CA, US

Douglas Paul | dglspl | NYC

Downbeat Magazine |  | Elmhurst IL, US

Dr. Guthrie Ramsey | | Philadelphia PA, US

DR Jazz Festival |  | Cabarete, DO 

Dred Scott Trio | dredscotttrio | Brooklyn NY, US

Drew Davidsen | drewdavidsen | Baltimore MD, US

Drew Morell | DrewJazz  | Denver CO, US

Drivetime UOJ |  | Philadelphia PA, US 

Duane Eubanks |  | NYC 

Duane Padilla | duanemusic | Hawaii, US

Duane Parham |  | Detroit MI, US

Dubai Jazz Festival | DubaijazzFest | Dubai, UAE

DublinJazzPhotograph |  | Dublin, IE

Dufrein Jazz |  | Spain

Duke Ellington | DukeEllington

Duke Ellington | DukeEllingtonDE | NYC

Dumbira Lippez |  | Columbia

Dumee & Dijkgraaf 5tet | dumeedijkgraaf | Rio de Janeiro, BR

Duncan Fraser |  | St. Albans, UK

Duncan Millar |  | London, UK 

Dundee Music | dundeemusic  | Dundee IL, US

Dune Music | DuneMusic  | London, UK

Dutch Jazz |  | Netherlands

Dutch Nu-Jazz | dutchnujazz | Rotterdam, NL

Dylan Howe | DylanHowe | UK

Dysfunctional Jazz | familyjazzband | NYC


E |  | Seattle WA, US 

EA Artist Management | eaartistmanagem | Europe

Earl Klugh | earlklugh | Atlanta, GA, US

Earnest Walker Jr |  | Miami FL, US 

ed |  | London, UK 

Ed Byrne |  | Greenfield MA, US 

Ed Harrison |  | UK 

Ed Trefzger | edtrefzger

Edana Minghella |  | UK and Italy

Eddie Gomez | EddieGomezBass  | NYC

Eddie Hick |  | UK

Eddie Lang Jazz Fest | MonteroduniJazz  | Monteroduni, IT

Eddie Miller | ekmillerm | Downey CA,US

Eddie Rich | eddierichmusic | Las Vegas NV, US

Eddy Westveer | eddywestveer | Netherlands

EdinburghJazz | EdinburghJazz | Edinburgh Scotland, UK

Edition Records | EditionRecords  | Cardiff, UK

Edmondton Jazz Fest | EdmontonJazz  | Edmonton AB, CA

Edwin Garcia |  | Chicago IL, US 

Eeco |  | The Netherlands 

Eesti Jazzliit |  | Estonia 

Effendi Records |  | Montréal QC, CA 

Efrem |  | Brooklyn NY, US

Eileen Howard |  | NYC 

Eivissa Jazz |  | Ibiza, ES 

E.J. Strickland |   

eJazznews | eJazzNews | Toronto ON, CA

Ekko Music |  | Leeds, UK 

Ekundayo Band |  | Milano, IT

El Cantor de Jazz | elcantordejazz | Granada, ES

El Intruso | el_intruso | Buenos Aires, AR

El Junco Jazz Club | eljunco  | Madrid, ES

Elaine Lucia Sings | elainelucia  | San Francisco CA, US

Elan Trotman | elantrotman | Boston MA, US

ELBJAZZ Festival | Elbjazz | Hamburg, DE

Eldad Tarmu | tarmujazz | Jersey City NJ, US

Eldar Djangirov |  | NYC 

ElectroJazz Festival |  | Megève, FR 

The Elements of Peas |  | Carrboro NC, US

Elephant jazz Music |  

Eliane Elias |

Elias Haslanger | elijazz | Austin TX, US

Elijah Jamal | ElijahJamalJazz | Washington, DC

Elijah Jamal Balbed |  | Washington, DC

Eline Muller |  | Amsterdam, NL

Elisa Caleb |sweetmelodygirlLondon, UK

Elisabeth Vik |  | Vienna, AT

Elizabeth Dotson-Westphalen | elizabethjazz | NYC

Elizabeth Kennen | jazzcattrio | San Francisco CA, US

Ella Sanders |  | New Orlean, LA, US 

Ellen Meese | OCJazzFest

Elli Fordyce | ElliFordyce2 | Millbrook NY, US

Ellington Jazz Club | theellington | 191 Beaufort St Perth, AU

Elliot Galvin |  | London, UK 

Ellister | ellistervdmolen | Den Haag, NL

ELLITE |  | Poland 

EmArcy |  

Emilio Marinelli |  

Emily Francis |  | London, UK 

Emily McIntosh | TheVocalExpert | Woodinville WA, US

Emily Saunders | emilysounds | London, UK

Emmanuel Cremer |  | France

Empirical | empiricalmusic | London, UK

Eohippus Jazz |  

Endemic Jazz | EndemicJazz | NYC

Enghien JazzFestival |  

Engin Recepogullari |  | Istanbul, TR

Enjoy Jazz Festival | _enjoyjazz | Germany

Enoch Smith Jr. | EnochSmithJr | NYC

Enrico Blumer | enriblum | Bergamo, IT

Eric Alan |  | Cape Town, ZA

Eric Daniel | ericdanielsax | Rome, IT

Eric Darius | ericdarius | Florida, US

Eric Evans | EricEvansMusic | San Diego CA, US

Eric Harland |  | Everywhere


Eric Mingus | EricMingus | Wherever I lay my hat

Eric Muhler | emuhler | Oakland CA, US

Eric Oberstein | ericoberstein | Durham NC, US 

Eric Scott Reed | EricScottReed | California, US

Eric van Aro |  | Switzerland

Erik Åström| practicemusic | Sweden

Erik Montenegro | Erik_Montenegro | Mexico City, MX

Erik van Zadel |  | Amsterdam, NL

Erika Federmann |  | Cleveland OH, US

Erin McDougald |  | Chicago IL, US 

Ernest Ranglin |

Ernest Turner |  | Durham NC, US 

Ernesto Cervini | ernestocervini  | Toronto ON, CA

Erucakra Mahameru | erucakra | Boston MA, US

Erwin Hoorweg |  | Rotterdam, NL

Esa Pietilä | avantgardejohn | Helsinki, FI

ESP Jazz Quartet |  | Syracuse NY, US

Esperanza Spalding | EspeSpalding  | NYC

ESSBJazzOrchestra |  | NYC & Montclair NJ, US 

EssentiallyEllington |  | NYC 

Esteban Sanchez | estebanjsanchez | Buenos Aires, AR

Ethan Iverson |  | Brooklyn NY, US

Etienne Charles | etiennejazz | NYC & Trinidad

Euge Groove |  | US 

Eugene Portman | eugeneportman | UK

Europe Jazz Network | europejazznet

European Jazz Expo |  | Cagliari, IT

Eva sur Seine |  

Evan Cobb | evancobbjazz | Nashville, TN, US

Evan Flory-Barnes | evflorybarnes  | Seattle WA, US

Evan Tate | saxtips | Munich, DE

Everett Freeman | everettfreeman | Kansas City MO, US

Everette Harp | harpjazz  | Los Angeles CA, US

Exit 0 Intl JazzFest |  | Cape May NJ, US

Exponential Rabbit |  | Salt Lake City UT, US 

Extempore Journal | extemporeAus | Australia

Eyot |  | Serbia 

Eyran Jazz Piano | EyranJazzPiano | Boston MA, US

Ezra Weiss |


Reader Comments (4)

Thanks for including me on the list, Donna. Hope you're well!

October 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEddie Rich

Hi Eddie,

You're welcome!
I am well, thank you for asking. Is there anyone that I missed from Vegas? Please let me know.


October 26, 2010 | Registered CommenterDonna M

Donna, this is a very nice service you've done for the online jazz community. Thanks for taking the time to put it together (and for including me on the list).

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDean Minderman

Hi Dean!

You're welcome ~ as I have shared with others, I felt that this should/needed to be done. What good is having people listed on Twitter if (1) you can't search the list(s) and (2) if the Twitter lists aren't alphabetical?

Now at least everyone has a better idea of who in jazz is on Twitter and they can pick and choose who they want to follow individually. Win/win! :D

November 11, 2010 | Registered CommenterDonna M
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