Comprehensive List of Jazz on Twitter (Letters N, O, P)
![Date Date](/universal/images/transparent.png)
The "Unofficial" Comprehensive List of All Things (People & Places, Too!) Jazz on Twitter [Letters N, O, P] continues!
A few things to keep in mind:
- The list is alphabetical from the first name of the person or first word in the name of the organization/event/venue. It is not alpha by Twitter handle. For example, I'm Donna M on Twitter. My Twitter handle is @ElementsOfJazz. In the master list that I've created here on the website, I am found under the letter "D", not the letter "E".
- The links are red. Just click on the link and it will take you to that particular Twitter page.
- Even if they are listed, that doesn't necessarily mean that the account is currently active.
Please let me know about who or what wasn't included. Thank you!
N.O. Jazz Fest | jazzfest | New Orleans LA, US
N Souden | actonejazz | Newark NJ, US
Nabil Khemir | nabilkhemir | Tunis, TN
Nadine Rességuier | JAZZAJUAN | Antibes, FR
NafME Jazz Council | NAfMEJazz | US
Nailah Porter | NailahPorter | Los Angeles CA, US
NAJMA & FEDIM | NajmaMusica | Roma, IT
Nancy G | jazzynancyg | NYC
Nancy Kelly | nkellyjazz | Upstate New York, US
NancyJazzPulsations | njpfestival | Nancy, FR
Nandano | Nandano | Sydney, AU
Nandie Afrika Mnyani | NandieM | Sandton, ZA
Nantwich Jazz Fest | nantwichjazz | Cheshire, UK
Naoki Matsuura | native_musician | Toyohashi, JP
Napa Valley Jazz Society | NapaJazzSociety | Napa CA, US
Narcissus UK | NarcissusUK | UK
Nardis Jazz Club | nardisjazz | Galata Istanbul, TR
Nasar Abadey | NasarAbadey
Nashaz | NashazMusic | Brooklyn NY, US
Nasjonal jazzscene | JazzSceneOslo |Oslo, NO
Nastazia Beikof | NastaziaBeikof | Greece
Nat Janoff | natjanoff
Nat Witts | NatWitts | London, UK
Natalie Cole | NatMCole
Natalie Dietz | nataliedietz | Sydney, AU
NatalieNicoleGilbert | NatalieNicole | Los Angeles CA, US
Natch Jazz Fest | natchjazzfest | Natchitoches LA, US
Nate Chinen | natechinen | NYC
Nate Fitzgerald | NateNote | Roselle NJ, US
Nate Smith | natesmithdrums | NYC
Nathan East | NathanEast | Los Angeles CA, US
Nathan Hassall | nhmusicuk | London, UK
Nathea Lee | NatheaLee
National Youth Jazz | NYJC
National Youth Jazz | NYJOuk | UK
Natura Cinematica | naturacinematic | London, UK
Naxos of America | NaxosUSA | Franklin TN, US
Nazneen | NazneenMusic | London, UK
Neal Battaglia | nealbattaglia | California, US
Neil Alexander | nailmusic | Newburgh NY, US
Neil Cowley | neilcowleytrio | London, UK
Neil Keep | neilkeep | Winnipeg MB, CA
Neil Lambert | neil_lambert | Manchester, UK
Neil Mattson | NeilMattson | Portland OR, US
Neil Stalnaker | neilstalnaker | Toyko, JP
Nels Cline | nelscline | Los Angeles CA, US
Nelson Riveros | NelsonRiveros | NYC
TheNeoJazzOrchestra | TNJOWeb | Caracas, VE
New Brunswick Jazz | NBJazzProject | New Brunswick NJ, US
New Jazz 5 | newjazz5 | Lincolnshire, UK
The New Jazz Thing! | TNJT | San Diego CA, US
New Orleans Jazz | NewOrleansJazz_ | New Orleans LA, US
The New School Jazz | NewSchoolJazz | NYC
Newport Festivals | JazzNYC2Newport | Newport RI, US
NeWt trio prog jazz | NeWtNet | Edinburgh, UK
NEXT Collective | NEXTCollective | nextbop | Montreal QC, CA
Niccolò Fabi | niccolofabi | Roma, IT
Nice Jazz Festival | nicejazzfest | Nice, FR
Nicholas Cole | nickcole88 | North Carolina, US
Nicholas Payton | paynic | NewOrleans LA, US
Nick Finzer | nickfinzer | NYC
Nick Hempton | NickHemptonBand | NYC
Nick Mancini | NickTheMancini | Los Angeles CA, US
Nick O'Toole | NickOTooleMusic | Portland OR, US
Nick Rundle | nickrundle | Birmingham, UK
Nick Venti | yeahello | NYC
Nicola Fazzini | nicolafazzini | Venice, IT
Nicola Milan | MilansMischief | Perth, AU
Nicola Pearce JazzDJ | Jazzonista | London, UK
Nicolas Bearde | nicolasbearde | California, US
Nicolas Marcil | Nickisnot | Québec, CA
Nicolas Moreaux | Nikomoreaux | Paris, FR
Nicole Henry | NicoleHenryJazz | Miami Beach FL, US
Nicole Ratte | nicoleratte | Ottawa ON, CA
Nicole Sweeney | JazzLadyDay | | Atlanta GA, US
Nige Jeffries | nigethepianoman | UK
Nigel Price | Nigethejazzer | London, UK
Night Beat Jazz | NightBeatJazz | US
Night Dreamer | NightDreamerJ | Japan
NIJPC | NIJPC2010 | Nottingham, UK
Nik Payton | nikpayton | Belo Horizonte, BR
Nikki Yanofsky | NikkiYanofsky
Nimbus Records | NimbusRecords | Monmouth, UK
NJ Jazz Society | NJjazzsociety | New Jersey, US
NJ PAC | NJPAC | Newark NJ, US
NM Jazz Workshop | nmjazz | Albuquerque NM, US
Noa Lor | noalur | Madrid, ES
Noah | roxr | Portland OR, US
Noah Preminger | NoahPreminger | Brooklyn NY, US
Nobuo Watanabe | NobuoWTNB | Tokyo, JP
Nochesdejazz | Nochesdejazz
Nod Now! | NodNow | Amsterdam, NL
Noel Lorica | noellorica | West Palm Beach FL, US
NOLA Jazz & Heritage | Jazznheritage | New Orleans LA, US
Nomar Negroni | NegronisTrio | Miami FL, US
Nonesuch Records | NonesuchRecords | NYC
Nora Bite | guitarbee35 | London, UK
Nora McCarthy | thezenofsinging | NYC
Nordic Connect | NordicConnect
Norman Villeneuve | nmvjazz | Toronto ON, CA
North Sea Jazz | northseajazz | Rotterdam, NL
North Sea Jazz Club | NorthSeaJazzCLB | Amsterdam, NL
North Sea Round Town | NSRT010 | Rotterdam. NL
NoShoreJazzProject | nsjazzproj | Beverly MA, US
Noticias del Jazz | fliperjazz | Vigo, ES
Novara Jazz | novarajazz | Novara, IT
Nova Jazz Orchestra | ncjazz | Twin Cities MN, US
NPR's A Blog Supreme | blogsupreme | NPR Music
NRC Jazz | nrcjazz | Rotterdam, NL
Nublu | nublu | NYC
Nuclear Jazz | NuclearJazz | Berkeley CA, US
Nutty | NuttyMusic | Southern California, US
NW Jazz Workshop | NWJazzWorkshop | Manchester, UK
Oakland Jazz Choir | Oakjazzchoir | Oakland CA, US
The Oasis | TheOasis1075 | Dallas/Fort Worth TX, US
OccupyJazz | OccupyJazzNow | Jazz is Universal
Offside Festival | offsidefestival | Geldern, DE
OGorman Music LLC | OGormanMusic | Birmingham AL, US
Oklahoma Jazz Hall | okjazz | Tulsa OK, US
Olga Fusion Quartet | FusionOlga | Ukraine
Oleo Films | oleofilms | France
Oliver Lake | OliverLake | Montclair NJ, US
Omogo / ResQ Records | rescueranjazz | Goshen IN, US
ONJazz | ONJYVINEC | Paris, FR
Onzroad | onzroad | Belgium
Openmind1 | Openmind1 | Boston MA, US
Ori Dagan | oridaganjazz | Toronto ON, CA
OriginalJazzClassics | OJazzC | Birdland
OriginalJazzHistory | OriginalJazzHis | Scotland
Orrin Evans | Peeano88 |Worldwide
Orsara Musica | orsaramusica | Italy
Osamu Fukuzawa | OsamuJSJ | Fukuoka, JP
Oscar A | oscarsjazzshow | Edinburgh Scotland, UK
Oscar Deric brown | oscar_bcw | Brooklyn NY, US
Oscar Pangilinan Jr. | oscarpangilinan | San Jose CA, US
Oscar Perez | oscarperezmusic | West Orange NJ, US
Oscar Peterson Music | musicoftheloons
Oslo Jazzfestival | oslojazz | Oslo, NO
Otávio DelleVedove | DelleVedove
Otis Brown III | ob3isme
Ottawa Jazz Fan | JazzFans613 | Ottawa ON, CA
Ottawa Jazz Festival | OttawaJazz | Ottawa ON, CA
Ottawa Jazz Scene | OttawaJazzScene | Ottawa ON, CA
Outnote Records | OutnoteRecords | Paris, FR
Owl Studios | OwlStudios | Indianapolis IN, US
Oxford Jazz Festival | OxJazz | Oxford, UK
Pablo Ablanedo | PabloOctet | Cambridge MA, US
Pablo Aslan | avantango
Pablo Ochoa Terán | Pablo_Ochoa_T | Quinto, EC
Padova Jazz Club | PadovaJazzClub | Correzzola, IT
Padova Jazz Festival | PadovaJazz | Padova, IT
Paige Delancey | paige_delancey | Sydney, AU
PALO! | gopalo | Miami FL, US
Pamela Black | PamelasPlace | Las Vegas NV, US
Pamela Espeland | bebopified | Minneapolis MN, US
Pamela Fowler | pamelafowler
Pamela Luss | PamelaLuss
Panama Jazz Festival | PanamaJazzFesti | Panama
Panic Jazz Club | PanicJazzClub | Marostica, IT
Paolo Di Sabatino | paolodisabatino | Italy
Paquito D’Rivera | PaquitoDRivera
Parc X Trio | ParcXtrio | Montreal QC, CA
Park City Jazz | parkcityjazz | Park City UT, US
ParmaJazz Frontiere | ParmaFrontiere | Parma, IT
Paros Jazz Academy | perantinouathen | Paros - Cyclades, GR
ParrJazz | PARRJAZZ | Liverpool, UK
Parseen Edward | ParseenMusic | Nairobi, KE
Partners in Christ | PartnerinChrist | Michigan, US
Pasadena Jazz Fest | PasadenaJazz | Pasadena CA, US
Pascal Pilorget | GiantStepsJazz | Paris, FR
Pasheen | DivaPasheen | Los Angeles CA & Houston TX, US
Passing Notes | markehayes | South FL and Beyond
Past Perfect Vintage | vintagemusic | Leafy Oxfordshire, UK
Pat Harbison | patharbison | Bloomington IN, US
Pat Metheny | PatMetheny
Patavinas Jazz Club | patavinasjc | São Paulo, BR
Pathway Records | PathwayRecords
Patois Records | patoisrecords | SF Bay Area CA, US
Patricia Barber | pbjazzmusician | Chicago IL, US
Patricia Britton | geewhizpat | Northern California, US
Patrick Brutus | Jazz_Chill | Miami FL, US
Patrick Cornelius | PCorneliusJazz | NYC
Patrick Tobin | TobinCrooner | NYC
PartrickCharles | PatrickCharles | Los Angeles CA, US
Patricklee Hamilton | pleehamilton | Los Angeles CA, US
Patti Austin | pattiaustin | Los Angeles CA, US
Patty Peterson | Patty_Peterson | Minneapolis MN, US
Paul Batenburg | paulbassbone| The Hague, NL
Paul Baxter Quartet | P_B_Q | London, UK
Paul Beaudry | PaulBeaudry | NYC
Paul Booth | paulboothmusic | Ramsgate, UK
Paul Brown | paulbrownjazz
Paul Cambre | livingprophecy | Canton GA, US
Paul Carr | PaulCarrJazz | Mid-Atlantic Region, US
Paul Edis | PaulREdis | North East, UK
Paul Ellington | Paul_Ellington | NYC
Paul Meyers | PaulMeyersJazz | Jersey City NJ, US
Paul Nowell | JazzTrombonist | Los Angeles CA, US
Paul Obebe | TokozeJazz
Paul PAZZO Mehling | HotClubSF | San Francisco CA, US
Paul Pieper | paulpieper | Greenbelt MD, US
Paul Quinn | Paul_F_Quinn |Bristol, UK
Paul Weitz | PaulWeitz
Paul Winter | paulwinter | Litchfield CT, US
Paul Yoder | paulthomasyoder | California, US
Paula Ben | paulaben | Florida, US
Paulette McWilliams | Mspaulette | Los Angeles CA, US
pcoopjazz | mkeys88
PDFjazzmusic | pdfjazzmusic | Grand Rapids MI, US
PDX Jazz | pdxjazz | Portland OR, US
Pearl Lewis | pearllewis | Texas, US
Pedrito Martinez | pmartinezmusic | NYC
Pedro Lopes | ciberjazzy | Portugal
Pekka Pylkkanen | pekkasmusic | Helsinki, FI
Pentastic Jazz | PentasticJazz | Penticton BC, CA
Penthouse Radio | PenthouseRadio | NYC
Pera Big Band | PeraBigBand Istanbul, TR
Peripheral Vision | peripheralmusic | Toronto ON, CA
Perugia Big Band | PerugiaBigBand | Perugia, IT
PescaraJazz | PescaraJazz
Pete Kirchoff | jazzave
Pete McConnell | jazzstagenet | Houston TX, US
Pete Petersen | ppetersenjazz
Pete Robbins | peterobbins | Brooklyn NY, US
Pete Zimmer | PeteZimmer
Peter August | peteraugust83 | San Diego CA , US
Peter Bacon | jazzbreakfast | Lichfield, UK
Peter Coldham | pmcoldham | London, UK
Peter Cronemeyer | LaikaRecords | Bremen, DE
Peter Davis | peterbbdavis | London, UK
Peter Erskine | petererskine | Santa Monica CA, US
Peter Haley | peter_haley | Vancouver BC, CA
Peter Hum | peterhum | Ottawa ON, CA
Peter Lamb | PLambNTheWolves
Peter Maguire | jamsessionworld | UK
Peter Maguire | JazzClubsWorld | UK/Western Europe
Peter Margasak | pmarg | Chicago IL, US
Peter Martin | pianopeter | St. Louis MO, US
Peter Martin Music | PMMusicLive | St. Louis MO, US
Peter Nater | PeteNaterMusic | Bronx NY, US
Petter Pettersson | klactoweed | Molde, NO
PhatFunk | phatfunk | Bloomington IL, US
Phil Hanson | phil_hanson | Harrogate, UK
Phil Levene | Eclectic_Jazz | UK
Phil Meadows | PMeadowsMusic | Manchester|Leeds, UK
Phil Parnell | Phil_Parnell | Denmark
Phil Perry TheSinger | PhilPerry | Worldwide
Phil Read Originals | PRcreationsjazz | New Orleans LA, US
Phil Robinson | PhilRobsonMusic | London & Kent, UK
Phil Schaap | philschaap | NYC
Philip Booth |PBoothMusic | Worldwide
Philip Clark | PhilipClark | Los Angeles CA, US
Philip Wain | philwbass | London, UK
Philippe Saisse | PHILIPPESAISSE | Los Angeles CA, US
Phoebe Legere | Legere | East Village, NYC
Phoenix J | Phoenix_J | UK
Phoenix Jazz Club |PhoenixJazzClub | Kansas City MO, US
Piano Blues & Jazz | PianoBluesJazz | New Orleans LA, US
Piero Lombardo | Pierolombardo | Italy
Pigalle Club | PIGALLEofficial | Piccadilly - London, UK
Pink and Blue Notes | Pink_BlueNotes | Charlotte NC, US
Pinstripe Swing Band | pinstripeswing | London and Cambridge, UK
PiombinoJazz | piombinojazz | Piombino, IT
Pippa Hayes | PippaHayes | Qld, AU
Pippi Ardennia | PippiA | St. Paul MN, US
Pirouet Records | pirouetrecords | Munich, DE
Pizza Express Herne Hill | HerneHillPE | Herne Hill - London, UK
Pizza Express Jazz | PEjazzclub | Soho - London, UK
PJ Roberts | pjrjazz | NYC
Planète Jazz 91.9 | planetejazz | Montréal QC, CA
Playboy Jazz Fest | PlayboyJazzFest | Los Angeles CA, US
Player A | PlayerAJazz | Nashville TN, US
PlayJazzNow | PlayJazzNow
Poemblog & Jazz Blog | PoesiaeJazz
(Le) Poisson Rouge | lprnyc | NYC
Poncho Sanchez | ponchosanchez
Porão do Jazz | poraodojazz | Brazil
Pori Jazz Festival | PoriJazz | Pori, FI
Pork Pie Jazz | porkpiejazz | Montréal QC, CA
Portico Quartet | porticoquartet | London, UK
Portland Jazz Orch. | pdxjazzorch | Portland OR, US
Porvoo Jazz Festival | PorvooJazzFest | Porvoo, FI
Prasant R. | prasantmusic | Oakland CA, US
Preservation Hall | PresHall |New Orleans LA, US
PrimetimeJazzQuintet | PrimetimeJazz | Los Angeles CA, US
Primrose Hill Jazz | PrimroseHillJaz | London, UK
Professor RJ Ross | ProfessorRJRoss
Puppet's Jazz Bar | Puppetsjazzbar | Park Slope (Brooklyn) NY, US
PuroJazz | purojazz | California, US
Pursuance Records | PURSUANCE_RECS | US
PV Kansas Jazz Fest | pvksjazzfest | Prairie Village KS, US
Reader Comments (2)
Hey Donna,
Thanks for putting together this list. Found a few people I didn't know were on twitter, like Victor Wooten. You've done a lot in connecting musicians!
Hi Neal!
You're welcome.
I actually thought of you when I discovered that Victor Wooten was on Twitter (I recalled that you attended his music camp). :)